Source code for directdemod.filters

Object for filters

import directdemod.constants as constants
import scipy.signal as signal

Abstract model of a class, to keep the models consistent
Any filter must inherit this abstract class
The general structure is as follows
The goal of having such a parent abstract class is that, the children are forced to implement the required methods

[docs]class filter: ''' This is a parent object of all filters, it implements all the necessary properties. Refer to experiment 3 for details. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, b, a, storeState = True, zeroPhase = False, initOut = None): '''Initialize the object Args: b (:obj:`list`): list of 'b' constants of filter a (:obj:`list`): list of 'a' constants of filter storeState (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter state must be stored. Useful when filtering a chunked signal to avoid border effects. zeroPhase (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter has to provide zero phase error to the input i.e. no delay in the output (Note: Enabling this will disable 'storeState' and 'initOut') initOut (:obj:`list`, optional): Initial condition of the filter ''' self.__storeState = storeState self.__zeroPhase = zeroPhase self.__initOut = initOut if self.__storeState and self.__zeroPhase: self.__storeState = False if (not self.__initOut == None) and self.__zeroPhase: self.__initOut = None if self.__storeState: self.__zi = signal.lfilter_zi(b, a) if not self.__initOut == None: self.__zi = None self.__b = b self.__a = a
[docs] def applyOn(self, x): '''Apply the filter to a given array of signal Args: x (:obj:`numpy array`): The signal array on which the filter needs to be applied Returns: :obj:`numpy array`: Filtered signal array ''' if self.__storeState: if self.__zi is None: self.__zi = signal.lfiltic(self.__b, self.__a, x, self.__initOut) retDat, self.__zi = signal.lfilter(self.__b, self.__a, x, zi = self.__zi) return retDat else: if self.__zeroPhase: return signal.filtfilt(self.__b, self.__a, x) else: return signal.lfilter(self.__b, self.__a, x)
@property def getA(self): ''':obj:`list`: Get 'a' of the filter''' return self.__a @property def getB(self): ''':obj:`list`: Get 'b' of the filter''' return self.__b
''' A simple rolling average filter '''
[docs]class rollingAverage(filter): ''' A simple rolling average filter '''
[docs] def __init__(self, n = 3, storeState = True, zeroPhase = False, initOut = None): '''Initialize the object Args: n (:obj:`int`, optional): size of the rolling window storeState (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter state must be stored. Useful when filtering a chunked signal to avoid border effects. zeroPhase (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter has to provide zero phase error to the input i.e. no delay in the output (Note: Enabling this will disable 'storeState' and 'initOut') initOut (:obj:`list`, optional): Initial condition of the filter ''' self.__n = n super(rollingAverage, self).__init__([1.0/n]*n, [1], storeState, zeroPhase, initOut)
''' Blackman Harris filter '''
[docs]class blackmanHarris(filter): ''' Blackman Harris filter '''
[docs] def __init__(self, n, storeState = True, zeroPhase = False, initOut = None): '''Initialize the object Args: n (:obj:`int`): size of the window storeState (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter state must be stored. Useful when filtering a chunked signal to avoid border effects. zeroPhase (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter has to provide zero phase error to the input i.e. no delay in the output (Note: Enabling this will disable 'storeState' and 'initOut') initOut (:obj:`list`, optional): Initial condition of the filter ''' self.__n = n super(blackmanHarris, self).__init__(signal.blackmanharris(self.__n), [1], storeState, zeroPhase, initOut)
''' Blackman Harris filter (by convolving) '''
[docs]class blackmanHarrisConv: ''' Blackman Harris filter (by convolving, Not recommended for large signals) '''
[docs] def __init__(self, n = 151): '''Initialize the object Args: n (:obj:`int`, optional): size of the window ''' self.__n = n self.__window = signal.blackmanharris(self.__n)
[docs] def applyOn(self, sig): '''Apply the filter to a given array of signal Args: x (:obj:`numpy array`): The signal array on which the filter needs to be applied Returns: :obj:`numpy array`: Filtered signal array ''' return signal.convolve(sig, self.__window, mode='same')
''' Hamming filter '''
[docs]class hamming(filter): ''' Hamming filter '''
[docs] def __init__(self, n, storeState = True, zeroPhase = False, initOut = None): '''Initialize the object Args: n (:obj:`int`): size of the window storeState (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter state must be stored. Useful when filtering a chunked signal to avoid border effects. zeroPhase (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter has to provide zero phase error to the input i.e. no delay in the output (Note: Enabling this will disable 'storeState' and 'initOut') initOut (:obj:`list`, optional): Initial condition of the filter ''' self.__n = n super(hamming, self).__init__(signal.hamming(self.__n), [1], storeState, zeroPhase, initOut)
''' Gaussian filter '''
[docs]class gaussian(filter): ''' Gaussian filter '''
[docs] def __init__(self, n, sigma, storeState = True, zeroPhase = False, initOut = None): '''Initialize the object Args: n (:obj:`int`): size of the window sigma (:obj:`float`): The standard deviation storeState (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter state must be stored. Useful when filtering a chunked signal to avoid border effects. zeroPhase (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter has to provide zero phase error to the input i.e. no delay in the output (Note: Enabling this will disable 'storeState' and 'initOut') initOut (:obj:`list`, optional): Initial condition of the filter ''' self.__n = n self.__sigma = sigma super(gaussian, self).__init__(signal.gaussian(self.__n, self.__sigma), [1], storeState, zeroPhase, initOut)
''' Butterworth filter '''
[docs]class butter(filter): ''' Butterworth filter '''
[docs] def __init__(self, Fs, cutoffA, cutoffB = None, n = 6, typeFlt = constants.FLT_LP, storeState = True, zeroPhase = False, initOut = None): '''Initialize the object Args: Fs (:obj:`int`): Sampling frequency of signal cutoffA (:obj:`float`): desired cutoff A of filter in Hz cutoffB (:obj:`float`, optional): desired cutoff B of filter in Hz n (:obj:`int`, optional): Order of filter type (:obj:`constant`, optional): constants.FLT_LP to constants.FLT_BS, see constants module storeState (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter state must be stored. Useful when filtering a chunked signal to avoid border effects. zeroPhase (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter has to provide zero phase error to the input i.e. no delay in the output (Note: Enabling this will disable 'storeState' and 'initOut') initOut (:obj:`list`, optional): Initial condition of the filter ''' self.__Fs = Fs self.__cutoffA = cutoffA self.__cutoffB = cutoffB self.__n = n self.__type = typeFlt if (self.__type == constants.FLT_BP or self.__type == constants.FLT_BS) and self.__cutoffB is None: raise ValueError("CutoffB must be given") if self.__type == constants.FLT_LP: self.__b, self.__a = signal.butter(self.__n, self.__cutoffA / (0.5 * self.__Fs), btype='lowpass') elif self.__type == constants.FLT_HP: self.__b, self.__a = signal.butter(self.__n, self.__cutoffA / (0.5 * self.__Fs), btype='highpass') elif self.__type == constants.FLT_BP: self.__b, self.__a = signal.butter(self.__n, [self.__cutoffA / (0.5 * self.__Fs), self.__cutoffB / (0.5 * self.__Fs)] , btype='bandpass') elif self.__type == constants.FLT_BS: self.__b, self.__a = signal.butter(self.__n, [self.__cutoffA / (0.5 * self.__Fs), self.__cutoffB / (0.5 * self.__Fs)] , btype='bandstop') else: raise ValueError("Invalid filter type") super(butter, self).__init__(self.__b, self.__a, storeState, zeroPhase, initOut)
''' Remez band filter '''
[docs]class remez(filter): ''' Remez band filter '''
[docs] def __init__(self, Fs, bands, gains, ntaps = 128, storeState = True, zeroPhase = False, initOut = None): '''Initialize the object Args: Fs (:obj:`int`): sampling frequency in Hz bands (:obj:`list`): non-overlapping list of bands (in Hz) in increasing order. e.g [[0, 100], [400, 500], [600, 700]] gains (:obj:`float`): Corresponding gains of the bands e.g. [0, 1, 0.5] ntaps (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of taps of filter (number of terms in filter) storeState (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter state must be stored. Useful when filtering a chunked signal to avoid border effects. zeroPhase (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter has to provide zero phase error to the input i.e. no delay in the output (Note: Enabling this will disable 'storeState' and 'initOut') initOut (:obj:`list`, optional): Initial condition of the filter ''' if len(bands) == 0: raise ValueError("Atleast one band must be given") if bands[-1][1] >= (Fs/2): raise ValueError("Last band must end before (Fs/2)Hz") self.__bands = [] for i in bands: self.__bands.extend(i) self.__gains = gains if not len(self.__bands) == 2*len(self.__gains): raise ValueError("Invalid bands/gains values") super(remez, self).__init__(signal.remez(ntaps, self.__bands, self.__gains, Hz = Fs), [1], storeState, zeroPhase, initOut)
''' To be implemented later if needed ''' class medianFilter: def __init__(self, n = 5): self.__n = n def applyOn(self, sig): return signal.medfilt(sig, self.__n)